Traditional maritime ropework is a craft closely linked to the sea. Borth artist Kim Williams has long been fascinated with knots, which are a nod to the long seafaring history of her family.

Kim explained: “Knots and salt run deep in my soul. I was never taught to tie these knots, I can just do them, as if there is some kind of genetic memory in my fingers. I started tying by copying the knots and mats that were around the house I grew up in on the other side of the Dyfi in Aberdyfi.

“Today, I tie many of my mats with rope salvaged from the beach, recycling washed-up ghost gear from the fishing industry into traditional designs of thump mats. As I blend traditional skills with the modern materials, I often wonder what my Hen Taid would make of the knots I tie in salty Borth and the state of our seas.”