Our Publications

Prof. Libby Schweber: research publications

Prof. Sonja Dragojlovic-Oliveira: research publications

Dr Martin Green: research publications

Dr Dragana Nikolić: research publications

Dr Luke Gooding: research publications


Carbon Artifacts Conference Papers

Dr. Martin Green presented a paper entitled: ‘Creating Carbon Expertise: Emergent networks in the UK commercial building sector’ at the ARCOM conference 2024, London, UK, 2-4 September 2024

Dr. Martin Green presented a paper on pathways to NZC at the 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment,  3 – 5 July 2024, University of Nottingham, UK.

Dr. Luke Gooding and Professor Sonja Oliveira presented a paper entitled ‘Visualising carbon in the design and delivery of buildings-A review of the evidence’, The 8th International ICARB Conference: 25th – 26th September 2023, Edinburgh.

Professor Sonja Oliveira and Dr. Heba Sarhan presented a paper entitled: ‘Factors Accelerating or Hindering Organizational and Sociotechnical Transitions Towards Net-Zero’, STS Conference Graz 8-10 May, 2023.