
Nishghar region

The Khorog Observatory is located in the western Pamir, Tajikistan and is run by the Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), one of the graduate schools of the University of Central Asia (UCA). The observatory was established recently when MSRI started operating in the Pamir in the 2010s. However, it already runs a range of observations in this very remote region where few systematic measurements are conducted due to the harsh conditions and complicated logistics.

The Khorog Observatory covers the Gunt and the Shoradara catchments. It runs an automatic weather station (AWS) in Khorog. The primary focus of the Observatory is on hydrology, hydrochemistry, glaciology and permafrost research. The observatory monitors sediment transport, stable water isotopes and hydrochemistry in the Gunt and Shoradara rivers while the National Hydrometeorological Service of Tajikistan monitors streamflow. Sampling is conducted in the downstream sections of these rivers on the weekly basis and sediments are analysed at the MSRI laboratories. In addition, regular surveys of snowpack, glaciers, rock glaciers and permafrost are conducted across the catchments including sampling for isotopic analysis. The rain gauge in Khorog is used to collect samples for isotopic analysis of precipitation. Monitoring Snow water Equivalent (SWE) is an important aspect of the Observatory’s research. SWE is measured manually using Mt. Rose snow sampler at multiple sites along the Gunt and Sharodara rivers as soon as snow depth exceeds 15 cm. Another important aspect of monitoring is hazards typical of the mountain areas. The Observatory collects data for the analyses and modelling of landslides, debris flows, and avalanches collaborating with multiple institutions in Central Asia and with ICIMOD.

Land cover map of the Khorog Observatory

The newly established but continuous monitoring contributes to a better understanding of spatial and temporal changes in the observed variables, validation and calibration of models and remote sensing products. It is closely linked to the societal needs of the Pamir population which are in the focus of MSIR research. The Khorog Observatory supplies data for multiple projects focusing on the reduction of vulnerability of local population to the harsh conditions of the Pamir Mountains and adaptation to climate change.