The AV500 is a two-channel NMR instrument running ICON NMR 4.2 under TOPSPIN 2.4. It incorporates an 11.74T Ultrashield magnet and is equipped with both a triple axis-gradient and a magic angle spinning (MAS) unit, as well as a 60-position BACS sample changer. Three probes are available on the AV500:

  • 5mm indirect observation x,y,z-gradient inverse (1H/13C)- BBI probe
  • 5mm z-gradient direct observation (1H/13C/19F)- BBFO probe
  • 4mm 15N/1319F/1H MAS probe

The primary function of the AV500 is to perform experiments which are not available on the Open Access NMR Instruments. In addition, however, all the ICONNMR Experiments which are routinely available for the Open Access NMR instruments (e.g. 1H, 13C, DEPT, edited-HSQC, HMBC, COSY and NOESY) are also available with the AV500. Hence a secondary function of this instrument is to allow investigation of samples which are only available in such small amounts that they could be not run in a reasonable period of time on either of the Open Access NMR Instruments.

The 500 MHZ 4mm HR-MAS probe optimised for 1H observation with 13C pulsing/decoupling channel; this probe is ideal to acquire metabolic profiles of intact tissue biopsies.

Instrument availability

Users from outside of the University of Reading who wish to use the AV500 via the External NMR Service should first contact Research & Enterprise Services (RES) at the University of Reading.

Useful information

All users must have received training in use of the open access NMR instruments (provided by the NMR Staff).


For more information about the instrument and its availability contact: