The Centre for Advanced Microscopy if part of the CAF and provides a wide range of imaging facilities


The Waters MRT MALDI TOF uses advanced Multi Reflecting Time-of-Flight (MRT) technology to provide high-resolution and specific identification of analytes in complex samples. It enables precise detection of isotope structures,...Read More >

Transmission EM (TEM)

  JEOL 2010 Plus • Room Temperature and CryoTEM • Scanning TEM (STEM) • Electron tomography and electron diffraction

Scanning EM (SEM)

FEI Quanta 600 FEG Environmental SEM with large chamber size Room temperature and CryoSEM 1000°C heating stage Elemental analysis & spatial imaging (EDX/WDX)

Raman Microscope

LabRAM Soleil™ Raman Microscope • Spatial location of biomolecular markers • Crystallinity, crystallographic orientation and temperature

Perkin-Elmer Spotlight 400 Imaging System

A second Perkin-Elmer 100 FTIR spectrometer is interfaced to a Spotlight 400 Imaging System. This system combines high sensitivity and rapid imaging with ease of use. The ability to image...Read More >

FIB-SEM (Focused Ion Beam)

Thermo Helios FIB SEM Room temperature and Cryo FIB-SEM Serial secrioning and imaging TEM sample preparation Elemental mapping (EDX) Array tomography

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Asylum Research Cypher S Biological and material applications Operates in air and liquids High resolution topographic imaging Material properties e.g. elasticity, adhesion

Preparation facilities

CfAM provides extensive facilities for preparation of samples for microscopy.

Sample Preparation Laboratory

The Centre provides a variety of sample preparation facilities.

Microtomy Facility

Microtomy encompasses a range of techniques used to produce thin slices, or sections, of samples for examination by microscopy.