Persons and Other Animals

Wednesday 19th November. Location: Palmer Building.

18:00-19:00: public seminar, convened by Professor Brad Hooker (Reading Ethics and Political Philosophy Centre, REAPP) on the ethical dimensions of personhood, focusing on the issue of disability.

19:00-19:45: break

19:45-21:00: public lecture by Professor Emma Borg (Director, Centre for Cognition Research, University of Reading), ‘Planet of the Apes’, discussing the question of whether great apes should or could be treated as having the status of persons.

This event is part of the ‘Being Human’ festival, the UK’s first national festival of the humanities.



Twitter: @BeingHumanFest. Hashtag: #BeingHuman14


The festival is funded and led by the School of Advanced Study, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Academy.