On 25th November 2021, the DARE project team delivered a workshop on flooding to approximately 60 Year 6 pupils (10-11 year olds) at St Piran’s school Maidenhead. We gave…Read More >
Particle Filters for Flood Forecasting (PFFF)
A collaboration between: Dr Renaud Hostache, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST); Professors Nancy K Nichols and Peter Jan vanLeeuwen, University of Reading; Ms Concetta di Mauro, Luxembourg Institute…Read More >
Merging SAR-derived flood footprints with flood hazard maps for improved urban flood mapping
Contributors: David Mason (University of Reading), John Bevington (JBA), Sarah Dance (University of Reading), Beatriz Revilla-Romero (JBA), Richard Smith (JBA), Sanita Vetra-Carvalho (University of Reading), Hannah Cloke (University of Reading)….Read More >