The inaugural issue of the Caribbean Library Journal (CLJ) has been published online by the University of the West Indies, University Library.  The CLJ’s mission is to be ‘an open access, refereed journal of research and discussion on issues related to all aspects of libraries and librarianship in the Caribbean.’  In the forward to the first issue, UWI University Librarian, Mrs Jennifer Joseph writes that the journal is ‘poised to become the main vehicle for the interrogation of ideas and discourse on issues specific to libraries and librarianship in the Caribbean. It will be the main forum for Caribbean nationals in the diaspora to share relevant practices, experiences and perspectives on issues facing the library world; and will provide an additional avenue for our growing number of professionals to publish their research and ideas, thereby contributing to the body of literature on library and information practices.’

Anyone interested in contributing to future editions of the journal should visit the CLJ website.

Download the Caribbean Library Journal