Details have been announced of an international conference entitled “Asian Diasporic Literature: Past, Present and Future” to be held on 29-30 July 2020 at the School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

In the 2020 conference special attention will be paid to emerging directions and practices on/in Asian diasporic literature and theory. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the world has witnessed important changes in social, political, cultural and economic landscapes. The shifts have in turn pushed diaspora studies to expand beyond their origins in literary studies and their primary focus on ‘representation’ to an engagement with epistemological, ethical and political questions. Through ICL, we want to respond and contribute to current critical and theoretical debates by moving toward the study of world literatures and global theoretical, aesthetic and cultural practices. The conference also aims to trigger a debate about the future of the discipline, and thus reinvigorate and pioneer certain dimensions of the areas. Proposals are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

The Legacy of the Asian Diaspora
Contexts, Forms, and Perspectives
Shifting Perspectives on Race and Gender
New Perspectives on Identity, Space, and Mobility

Region, Religion, Politics, and Culture
Migration, Diaspora, Hybridity, and Borders
Rethinking the Family, Class, and Ethnicity
Bioethics, Ecology, Ecocriticism, Health, and Wellness
War, Violence and Terror

Or any other aspect of diasporic literary studies.

More information about the conference theme and sub-themes can be obtained at