The Guiding Principles for Safe Havens for Archives at Risk, produced by an international group of experts, convened by swisspeace and including the Director of the Diasporic Literary Archives Network, David Sutton, have been approved by International Council on Archives and published on the official ICA website.

The Guiding Principles can be accessed here.

The Safe Havens project is a success story of international archival co-operation, and members of the Diasporic Literary Archives Network have been pleased to be involved.

Archival Safe Havens reflect cases of archives in extreme danger which may, as a last resort, be physically moved to a safe location or be digitally copied and the copies transferred to a trusted repository.

More recently published is a Commentary on the Guiding Principles, which can be accessed via the website of one of the project partners, UMAM in Beirut, here.

The Commentary can also be accessed by this downloadable direct pdf link – Commentary Safe Havens pdf file 6a.