Muayad Ismail “Distributional and Welfare Effects of IMF Programs in Sudan” – PhD Seminar
Microsoft TeamsAbstract This research aims at evaluating the distributional and welfare effects of IMF programs implemented in Sudan during the period 1960-2018. This research is expected to contribute to the current...Read More >
S-TRAINING-ROSES @ 3PM Laurent Malisoux (ROSES)
Title: Shoe cushioning, body mass and running biomechanics as risk factors for running injury: A randomised trial with 800+ recreational runners About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars,...Read More >
Alex Vickery (RHUL) “Reaching for the SKY: Parental Investments in Academic Skills and Competition for University Places” – PhD Seminar
Microsoft TeamsSee Alex's personal website here Abstract I study the development of child academic skills through adolescence in anticipation of entry to university. I look at how heterogeneity in initial household...Read More >
Yongda Liu (ICMA) “Internal Information Quality and Financial Policy Peer Effects” – PhD Seminar
Microsoft TeamsAbstract This paper investigates how firms' internal information quality influences the peer effects in its financial policy. By employing earning announcement speed and insider trading profitability difference as measurements, we...Read More >
Marius Otting (ROSES)
Title: Exploratory analysis of in-game betting dynamics About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part of the Football Economics...Read More >
James Reade (Internal Seminar)
Title: Disparate Sporting Topics: Expert Forecasts and No Shows Abstract: This talk combines two separate pieces of research that are not obviously linked other than that they look at sport....Read More >
Arlan Brucal (External Seminar)
Title: Assessing the impact of energy prices on plant-level environmental and economic performance: Evidence from Indonesian manufacturers (joint w/ Antoine Dechezleprêtre) Abstract: The paper investigates the impact of policy-induced higher...Read More >
Ran Tao (ICMA) “News-Based Links and Cross-firm Return Predictability” – PhD Seminar
Microsoft TeamsAbstract Applying a “co-coverage” concept to the Dow Jones Newswire articles, we propose to identify each firm’s news-based links (NBLs) and thereby construct a newsworthiness economic grouping scheme. The advantage...Read More >
Konstantina Boutsioukou (RHUL) “Parental background and access to tertiary education in Greece: Changes in times of crisis” – PhD seminar
Microsoft TeamsAbstract In this study I explore how university entry patterns in Greece were affected by the debt crisis over the period 2008-2016. In particular, I study the distribution of educational participation in...Read More >
Nathan Ashby (ROSES)
Title: Big Swimmer in a Small Pond or Small Swimmer in a Big Pond? Evidence of Peer Effects from High School Competition Realignments About ROSES: An online series of sport...Read More >
Steven Bosworth (Internal Seminar)
Title: Parental time investments and instantaneous well-being in the United States (with Almudena Sevilla and Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal) Abstract: We use the Well-being Modules of the American Time Use Survey to...Read More >
Peter Spittal (External Seminar)
Title: Benefit salience and labour supply Abstract: I study the salience of dynamic features of the welfare system. I estimate labour supply responses to a large, lump-sum and foreseeable reduction...Read More >