Albert Chongo (PhD Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC
Kaori Narita (ROSES)
Microsoft TeamsTitle: Managerial contributions to organisational success: evidence from English Premier League About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part...Read More >
Andy Chung (Internal Seminars)
Edith Morley 406 or MS Teams (hybrid)An Economic Analysis of Tiger Parenting
Marcella Veronesi, Technical University of Denmark (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"Consumer Demand for Fair Trade Products: Lack of Efficiency, Salience & Attention, Knowledge or Trust?"
Hafsa Shoukat (PhD Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC
Lillian Mookodi (PhD Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC
Pedro García del Barrio (ROSES)
Microsoft TeamsTitle: Does Compliance with Financial Fair Play Rules Improve the Football Clubs' Sport Performance and Their Chances to Reach UEFA Competitions? About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars,...Read More >
Eleonora Guarnieri, University of Exeter (External Seminar)
Edith Morley 406 or MS Teams (hybrid)TBC
Sarah Jewell (Internal Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsCan Awareness Reduce (or Even Reverse) Home Bias? Evidence from International Cricket (with Subhasish Chowdhury and Carl Singleton)
Fabio Galeotti, GATE (External Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC
Grivas Chiyaba (PhD Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC
Baker Audeh (PhD Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC