External Seminar by Jean-Paul Carvalho (University of Oxford)
Edith Morley 74ROSES Seminar by Joel Kariel (Competition and Markets Authority)
ZoomTitle: “The Sterling Effect: Investigating Racial Discrimination in the English Football Labour Market”
External Seminar by Paula Onuchic (University of Oxford)
Edith Morley 74ROSES Seminar by Rob Simmons (Lancaster University)
ZoomTitle: “Do sports analytics affect player pay: Evidence from new contracts”
External Seminar by Christoph Görtz (University of Augsburg)
Edith Morley 749th GEAR Quarterly Lecture by Professor Michael Clements (University of Reading)
Chancellors G08Our 9th GEAR Quarterly Lecture will be held on 12 March 2024 2:00-3:30 pm in Chancellors G08 and our speaker is Professor Michael Clements, University of Reading (details to be circulated). As usual, the lecture will...Read More >
External Seminar by Jingnan Chen (University of Exeter)
Edith Morley 74ROSES Seminar by Lingqing Jiang (University of Essex)
ZoomTitle: “Fair Play or Winning Ugly? Risk Taking Behaviour in Elite Competition under Different Rules”
External Seminar by Cristina Lafuente (University of Bath)
Edith Morley 74ROSES Seminar by Dave Berri (Southern Utah University)
ZoomTitle: “No One Gets Paid What They are Worth! Exploring Player Value in the Early History of Professional Basketball”
ROSES Seminar by Galila Nasser (University of Bielefeld)
ZoomTitle:“ Effect of Geographical Proximity on Youth Talent Development: Application on the German Football”
ROSES Seminar by Alex Farnell (Maynooth University)
ZoomTitle: "Race and Coaching Hierarchy: The promotion of assistant coaches in the NFL"