Patrick Ferguson (ROSES)
Title: Consuming Contests: Outcome Uncertainty and Spectator Demand for Contest-based Entertainment About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part...Read More >
Kai Fischer (ROSES)
Title: Thinning out Spectators: Did Football Matches Contribute to the Second COVID-19 Wave in Germany? About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton...Read More >
Robbie Butler (ROSES)
Title: TBC About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part of the Football Economics Research Group at the University...Read More >
Benedikt Schmal (ROSES)
Microsoft TeamsTitle: The Long Shadow of an Infection: COVID-19 and Labour Productivity About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part...Read More >
Bernd Frick (ROSES)
Microsoft TeamsTitle: The Impact of Team Size on Performance in the Absence of Shirking: Clean Evidence from Elite Rowing Contests About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by...Read More >
Nial Friel (ROSES)
Microsoft TeamsTitle: Assessing competitive balance in the English Premier League for over forty seasons using a stochastic block model About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James...Read More >
Tho Pham (Internal Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsGender Bias in Job Ads: Explicit and Implicit Preferences
Sophia Kazinnik, Federal Reserve Richmond (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"Let's Face It: Quantifying the Impact of Nonverbal Communication in FOMC Press Conferences"
Emily Marshall (ROSES)
Microsoft TeamsTitle: Identifying the Impact of Attendance on Home Court Advantage About ROSES: An online series of sport economics seminars, organised by James Reade, Carl Singleton and Adrian Bell, part of...Read More >
Shixuan Wang (Internal Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTesting Stability in Event Observations with Applications to IPO Performance
Youjin Hahn, Yonsei University (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"Can New Learning Opportunities Reshape Gender Attitudes for Girls?: Field Evidence from Tanzania" (with So Yoon Ahn and Semee Yoon)
Richa Saun (PhD Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsThe Impact of Individual Parental Bilingualism on Children’s Vocabulary and Behavioral Development in the UK