Dr Alexander Mihailov
Expertise: greening prosperity stripes indicator by country and year, macro-financial initiatives on intergenerational climate justice
Dr Alexander Mihailov
Expertise: international macroeconomics and finance, exchange rate theory and empirics
Dr Stefania Lovo
Expertise: trade and firm performance, barriers to trade, impact of trade policies, environmental impact assessment of trade agreements
Professor Simonetta Longhi
Expertise: employment and pay gaps by gender, ethnicity, disability; impact of immigration on the labour market; anti-immigration attitudes; impact of wellbeing on labour market outcomes; graduate employability
Professor Giovanni Razzu
Expertise: gender gaps in labour market outcomes; career progression and performance evaluation
Dr Jade Siu
Expertise: migration, social protection
Dr Mark Guzman
Expertise: macroeconomics, monetary economics, economic growth, immigration theory
Dr Christos Mavrodimitrakis
Expertise: monetary economics; theory of economic policy; conflict, coordination and institutional design; political economy
Dr Alexander Mihailov
Expertise: monetary theory and policy, political macroeconomics and socioeconomic dynamics, information and learning, institution design
Dr Li Tang
Expertise: macroeconomics, expectations, monetary policy, housing markets
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