Workshops and meetings

Improving forecast of extreme rainfall for risk reduction in Central Asia. 19-20 August 2023. Research and stakeholder engagement workshop. National Hydrometeorological Service of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Organisers: Prof. M. Shahgedanova (University of Reading, UK) and Dr. G. Mamadjanova (University of Reading, UK and Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Uzbekistan).

Improving preparedness and reducing vulnerability to debris flow in Central Asia. 25-28 March 2021. Research and stakeholder engagement workshop. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Organisers: Prof. M. Shahgedanova (University of Reading, UK) and Dr. M. Petrov and Mr. F. Akbarov (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Uzbekistan).

Modelling future glacial lakes and their morphometric parameters in the Ile, Kungey and Jetisu Alatau using GlabTop2 model.  13 August 2018. Stakeholder engagement workshop. Kazakhstan Institute of Geography, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Organisers: Prof. Shahgedanova (University of Reading, UK), Mr. M. Kasenov (Kazakhstan State Agency for Mudflow Protection), Mr. Vassiliy Kapitsa (Kazakhstan Institute of Geography).