The INFORM Hub is pleased to announce its first call for Business Interactive Vouchers

These are awards of £10,000 to £50,000 in value for building connections between industry and academia and should focus on new collaborations.

Industrial contributions in kind, or facilities access, are encouraged.

These projects are for up to 6 months in duration.


INFORM is accepting applications for funding to develop new tools to support gut research and their subsequent implementation in a proof-of-principle project

We encourage academics and companies to work together to develop novel research tools to explore the microbial community, metabolites or functional end products

The projects funded by this call should result in a better understanding of mechanistic processes by which the microbiota can support health.

Costs are at 80% FEC

The following costs will not be supported

  • indirect or estates costs at the research organisation
  • any costs relating to intellectual property protection including but not limited to registering, maintaining, or supporting patents or property rights
  • equipment with a value of £10,000 or more
  • undergraduate or postgraduate activities or training, or core PhD training including tuition or bench fees.

Applications should be submitted by 5 pm on 14th July.

For full details of the call please visit Business Interactive Vouchers – (

If you have questions please get in touch on

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