JN24_01 – Jar. 3BS:41 (JN 619). 3B77 grave. Complete. H. 6.3 cm. Rim di. 4.4 cm. Base di. 2.9 cm. Fabric 7-5YR 7/6, reddish yellow. High density black/brown and sparse micaceous sand inclusions. Wet-smoothed exterior surface 2.5Y 7/4, pale yellow. Four pierced nose-lugs. Incised.
JN24_02 – Spouted jar. 3BS:26 (JN 615). 3B77 grave. Reconstructed, with small chips missing. H. 9.9 cm. Rim di. 3.8 cm, 85% ext. Base di. 2.8 cm, 100% ext. Fabric 5YR 5/6, yellowish red. Medium density black and micaceous sand inclusions. Wet-smoothed upper exerior surface 10YR 6/4, light yellowish brown.
JN24_04 – Jar. Reconstructed. Well-defined shoulder with small handle and high neck. Rim missing. Pictured alongside 9 spindle whorls.
JN24_05 – Cup. Similar to Iraq 51: fig. 9 n. 2.
JN24_06 – Jar. 3BS:41 (JN 619). 3B77 grave. Complete. H. 6.3 cm. Rim di. 4.4 cm. Base di. 2.9 cm. Fabric 7-5YR 7/6, reddish yellow. High density black/brown and sparse micaceous sand inclusions. Wet-smoothed exterior surface 2.5Y 7/4, pale yellow. Four pierced nose-lugs. Incised. Same as JN24_01
JN24_07 – Cup. Similar to Iraq 51: fig. 9 n. 2.
JN24_08 – Jar. 5D33:2 (JN 630). 5D33 surface. Complete. H. 4.2 cm. Rim di. 2.6 cm. Base di. 1.8 cm. Fabric 5Y 7/4, pale yellow. Low density surface voids, less than 0.1 cm. Well levigated clay.
JN24_09 – Cup. Similar to Iraq 51: fig. 9 n. 2.
JN24_10 – Bevelled rim bowl.
JN24_11 – Fine ware pot (JN 630) and beads (JN 612, JN 611, JN 610 and JN 609)
JN24_12 – Fine ware pot (JN 630) and beads (JN 612, JN 611, JN 610 and JN 609). Same as JN24_11
JN24_13 – Fine ware pot (JN 630) and beads (JN 612, JN 611, JN 610 and JN 609). Same as JN24_11
JN24_14 – Fine ware pot (JN 630) and beads (JN 609, JN 610, JN 611 and JN 612).
JN24_15 – Cup. Broken. Top half missing.
JN24_16 – Bowl. 3BS:27 (JN 616). 3B77 grave. Complete. H. 5.5 cm. Rim di. 8.4 cm. Base di. 2.5 cm. Fabric 5YR 5/6, yellowish red. Medium density black and sparse micaceous sand inclusions. Wet-smoothed exterior surface 10YR 7/3, very pale brown. String-cut base.
JN24_17 – Grave 3B77 contents. From top left: JN 631, JN 615, JN 614 , JN 617, JN 616, JN 618, JN 619. Same as JN24_03
JN24_18 – Grave 3B77 contents. From top left: JN 631, JN 615, JN 614 , JN 617, JN 616, JN 618, JN 619. Same as JN24_03
JN24_19 – Grave 3B77 contents. From top left: JN 631, JN 615, JN 614 , JN 617, JN 616, JN 618, JN 619. Same as JN24_03
JN24_20 – Conical bowl
JN24_21 – Bevelled rim bowl.
JN24_22 – Jar. 3BS:30 (JN 618). 3B77 grave. Complete, with surface chips. H. 6.4 cm. Rim di. 3.8 cm. Base di. 2.4 cm. Fabric 5YR 5/6, yellowish red. Sparse black and micaceous sand inclusions. Exterior surface 7.5YR 7/4, pink. Four pierced nose-lugs. Exterior incised.
JN24_23 – Cut down solid footed goblet.
JN24_24 – Jar. 3BS:28 (JN 617). 3B77 grave. Complete except for chips on rim and one lug missing. H. 10.4 cm. Rim di. 3.7 cm. Rounded base. Fabric 5YR 5/6, yellowish red. Low density black and micaceous sand inclusions. Slipped exterior surface 10YR 7/4, very pale brown. Three surviving pierced nose-lugs.
JN24_25 – Bevelled rim bowl.
JN24_26 – Jar. Reconstructed. Well-defined shoulder with small handle and high neck. Rim missing.
JN24_27 – Cup. Straight sides with slightly flared rim and pointed base.