
Landwise engages with partners through a range of different activities to share knowledge with each other.

Whole Project Workshops

Workshops for the whole team looking at the entire project.

Catchment Partnership Workshops

Workshops organised with local Catchment Partnerships to listen to local knowledge and share research on local catchment based NFM options.

  • NFM Scenario Workshops 2019-2020: Upper Thames, Kennet/Lambourne, South Chilterns, Loddon, Ock.
  • NFM Modelling Workshops 2021-2022, Upper Thames, Kennet/Lambourne, South Chilterns, Loddon.

Working Groups

For particular parts of the project, we have set up working groups with partners to co-produce research.

  • Farmer Knowledge Working Group
  • Fieldwork Working Group

Project Advisory Board

We have set up an Advisory Board to review progress through the project and provide advise and guidance on project development.

Public Engagement

We also attend events open to the public to share knowledge more widely beyond the project partners.