The Team

Dr Jaime Lindsey
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, University of Reading
Margaret Doyle
Visiting Fellow
Essex Law School, University of Essex
James Browning
Senior Research Fellow
Sarah Barclay
Project Consultant
Mediator, The Medical Mediation Foundation

External Advisory Board
Professor Jo Bridgeman
Jo is also the Deputy Head of the Law School, Politics and Sociology at the University of Sussex
Victoria Butler-Cole KC
Victoria specialises in health and social care, and her work includes public law, community care, Court of Protection, medical treatment disputes involving babies and children, inquests, human rights claims, and regulatory appeals
Professor Mary Donnelly
Mary’s research interests include medical/capacity law and consumer protection
Barry is an associate professor at Trinity College Dublin and a paediatric anaesthetist
Dr Kate Mahoney
Kate is a research manager at Healthwatch Essex
Sophy Miles
Sophy practices in all aspects of mental health and disability law, with a focus on cases in the Court of Protection and the inherent jurisdiction, inquests and inquiries
Joan Goulbourn
Joan is a Policy Official for the Ministry of Justice