Computational Modelling of Thrombus Growth under Flow
Activities and news, including newsletters.
- June: Dr François Cinotti gave a talk to the University of Reading’s School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences PhD and ECR conference: ‘A computational Investigation of Thrombus Growth Termination’.
- June: Dr François Cinotti gave a talk to the University of Reading’s School of Biological Sciences Early Career Researcher symposium: ‘Computational Modelling of Thrombus Growth under Flow’.
- May: Prof. Ingo Bojak gave a talk on termination of blood clotting for the University of Reading Community Festival, where the latest research is presented to interested people from outside the University.
- May: Prof. Jonathan Hill presented on ‘Philosophy, Biology and Family Therapy: From Theory to Practice’ to an audience of psychiatrists, psychologists and interested academics at the University of Reading. This was part of the series of talks by the WARM group: Wellbeing and Resilience in Mental Health.
- May: Prof. David Oderberg’s interview with Siddhant Pusdekar for the Purpose Podcast is now on Spotify here.
- April: Prof. Ingo Bojak gave a presentation to the Platelet Society, Aberdeen, on ‘Termination of Thrombus Growth Through the Dependence of Platelet Activation on Distance to Injury: An In-Silico Investigation’.
- March: Prof. David Oderberg gave a seminar on biological mistakes to staff and graduate students at the University of St Thomas, Houston
- March: Prof. David Oderberg gave a presentation on biological normativity to the informal research seminar at in Philosophy at Reading.
- February: the team met with a new colleague in the Philosophy Department, Dr Walter Veit, who works on animal minds and philosophy of biology more generally. We outlined our project and had productive discussion.
- January 2024: the team held a seminar with Marta Bertolaso (Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma) on the philosophy of cancer and its relation to mistake theory.
- November: Prof. Ingo Bojak presented at the Albuquerque modeller’s workshop on ‘Making Teleology Useful for Scientific Research’.
- November: Dr Vikram Gadagkar, from Columbia, spoke to the team about birdsong learning by zebra finches and how the songs are in some way evaluated for correctness and mistakes. You can view the discussion here.
- October: Dr Francesco Tamagnini, from the University of Reading, presented to the team on how mistake theory might apply to neuronal behaviour, especially dopamine neurons.
- September: the team hosted the annual Ratio One-Day Conference on ‘Biological Teleology: New Directions’. The talks, along with several other invited papers, will be published in the Special Issue of Ratio in December 2024. Further details in due course.
- September: Dr Gregor Greslehner, from the University of Vienna, talked with the team about the immune system and how its behaviour relates to mistake theory. You can view the discussion here.
- April: Prof. Fred Tauber, immunologist and philosopher of science, talked with the team about a range of topics related to our project. You can view the discussion here.
- April 2023: Prof Ana Soto and her team on the Templeton project ‘Toward a Science of Intrinsic Purposiveness’ met the Mistakes team for a lively conversation on matters of common interest. You can view the discussion here.
- December: Prof. Netta Cohen (Leeds) and Dr Eva Kevei (Reading) presented to the team on the wonders of C. elegans, one of the most popular model organisms for biological research.
- November: Prof. David Oderberg presented our team paper to the Department of Philosophy research seminar at Reading: ‘Biological Mistakes: What They Are and What They Mean for the Experimental Biologist’.
- November: Prof. David Oderberg gave a public lecture at the University of Reading, entitled: ‘To Err is (Not Only) Human: Mistakes and What They Mean for Biology and Philosophy’. You can view the lecture here.
- October 2022: Dr Stephen Boulter (Oxford Brookes University) and the team held a seminar at Wolfson College, Oxford, where Stephen spoke on the topic of reductionism in biology and more generally. You can view the seminar here.
Archive of our newsletters, organised by date.