WP 4 – Consumer attitudes and behaviour towards pulses and co-creation with stakeholders

This work package aims to understand consumer attitudes and behaviors towards faba bean and pulse products, facilitating market acceptance of ‘Raising the Pulse’ foods. It involves stakeholder engagement during product development and market phases to identify challenges and opportunities for consumer acceptance. 

Tasks include: 

  1. Scoping Study: Reviewing research and insights to profile participants, considering awareness, attitudes, preferences, and consumption.
  2. New Product Concept Development: Consulting consumers on diets and pulse-related habits to co-create faba-bean enriched products. 
  3. Preference Ranking: Conducting an online survey to rank product attributes, informing prototype testing. 
  4. Choice Experiment: Wider prototype testing to assess willingness to pay and predict consumer acceptance. 
  5. Campus Surveys: Post-intervention surveys to evaluate impact on consumer awareness and perceptions, aligned with intervention findings from Work Package 3. 
  6. Test Product Launch: Launching ‘Raising the Pulse’ foods in partner outlets to capture wider consumer feedback on product acceptance.