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We have partnered with the UK’s leading mental health and sports charity, Sport In Mind, to include the journal kit as one of the Resilience Rucksack wellbeing tools. The Journal is a fantastic way to support you to get more active, feel more in control and put in place some healthy habits.

Key points about Sport in Mind’s Journal below:

  • Provides you with a positive structure for each day – helping you feel more secure, with less time to dwell on negative thoughts
  • Helps you to feel more organised and set yourself small achievable goals, providing you an opportunity to reflect on how working towards these goals makes you feel and the impact it has on your mood
  • Helps you document good days and positive interactions that help boost your self-esteem and remind you on less good days the positive steps you have made
  • Encourages you to try new things, explore the barriers and helps you to find your own solutions
  • Record your achievements in one place to help you celebrate your successes and provide resolve to try more new things.
  • Offers positive information about the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’
  • Packed with lots of ideas to encourage you to get active in a way that suits YOU
  • Provides information about Sport in Mind activities and helps you to start thinking about a session that might you like to attend
  • Most importantly – this is YOUR journal, so you can decide the pace you go at, your goals and way you use the journal.

This kit includes:
• A vibrant interactive journal for completing a range of physical activities,
• Tick sheets to keep track of goals and achievements
• Self-evaluation, to help you to reflect on your activities
• Achievable targets that you can be proud of
• Colouring to make this journal your own
• A pedometer to help you to measure your distance
• Information on staying healthy for your mind and body.

• Everybody is different and finding what movement works for you is very individual, just chose what works for you.
• Movement is not a miracle cure, but research supports that it can have a positive impact on your wellbeing.
• If you don’t notice a difference straight away just keep trying until it becomes a habit, like brushing teeth.
• Try not to move your body too much within 2 hrs before going to bed as we need to help our body
wind down before going to sleep.
• If you are not used to exercising, don’t worry– just moving a little more each day can help.

Every little counts!

Visit Sport In Mind’s website to find out more about this wellbeing tool.