Workshop 2 was held on Wed 6th July 2022 at 12:30pm.

Workshop Schedule:

Staff Wellbeing in Education. Getting Your Own Oxygen Mask On First

Clare Stafford, CEO, Charlie Waller Trust 

Clare Stafford will explore the evidence on staff mental health and wellbeing in the education sector and the impact of the pandemic, sharing practical insights into how individuals and institutions can respond to address staff wellbeing as part of a whole institution approach.

The role of Charlie Waller Institute in Support School-Based Mental Health Initiatives

Charlene Wattley, Lecturer, Charlie Waller Institute

Charlene Wattley will provide a brief overview of how the Charlie Waller Institute (CWI) can support schools in providing mental health and wellbeing support for their students. CWI combines an evidence-based approach and the experience of both health and educational professionals to help bridge the gap between schools and mental health services. 

Resilience Rucksack – Piloting a New Public Mental Health Initiative with Schools

Prof. Stella Chan, Charlie Waller Chair in Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment, University of Reading

Emma Tupitsa, Research Assistant, University of Reading

Suzanna Rose, Honorary Professor, University of Reading

Research shows that 75% of mental health problems first emerge in adolescence, hence building psychological resilience is of paramount importance. This talk will illuminate how the Resilience Rucksack project co-produced a ‘Resilience Rucksack’ with young people who have lived experiences of everyday stress. The Resilience Rucksack is equipped with various wellbeing tools which will be launched in ‘Resilience Fairs’ in schools.

Panel Discussion and Q&A 

Prof. Anastasia Christakou, Director of the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics (CINN)

Prof. Stella Chan, Charlie Waller Chair of Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment, University of Reading

Following the talks, there will be a panel discussion and Q&A to explore how we can support young people’s mental health through a partnership with schools and the educational sector. 

You can watch the talks here: