Finding Solutions to Key Mental Health Challenges: from NHS Perspectives to Collaborative Efforts with Researchers.

Programme for our launch event on 10th June 2022:

Improving Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in a pandemic. Where are the gaps and how can we close them?

Dr. Alice Farrington, Professional Lead for the Berkshire CAMHS Anxiety and Depression Pathway

There are many challenges facing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services emerging from the pandemic. Dr. Alice Farrington will talk about how NHS services are trying to address these challenges and where further research might help.

Ways to Wellbeing Project: Piloting a Holistic Assessment Approach for Patient Benefits and Research Impact 

Prof Stella Chan, Charlie Waller Chair of Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment, University of Reading

Prof Claire Williams, Chair of Neuroscience, University of Reading

Pauline Peters, Senior Transformation Lead – Children and Young People (RBVM), NHS Frimley CCG

Dr. Keren MacLennan, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Reading

Bonnie Brittle, Children and Young People’s Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, CAMHS Getting Help Team

Research literature and clinical observations point towards lifestyle factors, such as sleep, diet, and physical activity as having a strong link with young people’s mental health. Ways to Wellbeing is a collaborative project between the clinical teams of Getting Help Service and University researchers. This talk will illuminate how the Ways to Wellbeing project aims to examine if assessing these lifestyle aspects will help improve treatment outcomes, as well as pilot the use of routinely collected clinical data to maximise research impact.

You can watch the talks below.