At the Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic, we want to ensure that young people and their families are involved in building effective strategies that improve mental health and wellbeing among young people. Hence, we created the Friends of AnDY scheme to provide up to date information about mental health research and support. The Friends of AnDY scheme also provides opportunities to participate in research, projects and events targeting youth mental health. Through the Friends of AnDY scheme we are set to create a community where young people, families, researchers and clinicians can collaborate together to inspire sustainable and practical ways to tackle mental health challenges affecting young people. If you are interested to learn more about the Friends of AnDY scheme please have a look at our first Friends of AnDY newsletter here, or visit the Events page for Friends of AnDY events such as webinars, workshops, newsletters and much more. 

Read our newsletters:

Launch newsletter (Jan 2022)

May 2022 newsletter


Dr Ray Percy, Clinic Director, Anxiety & Depression in Young People (AnDY), University of Reading

Prof Stella Chan, Charlie Waller Chair in Evidence-based Psychological Treatment, University of Reading