
Our network has seen some exciting collaborative projects come to life. You can read more about these, and their progress, below.

If you have an idea for a project that you would like our help with, please send us an email:


Ways to Wellbeing

In this collaboration between the East Berkshire Getting Help teams and researchers at the University of Reading, this project aims to examine the role of lifestyle factors, such as sleep,…Read More >

Resilience Rucksack

Whilst mental health problems can affect us at any stage of our lives, there is a higher risk of, and rapid increase in, mental health difficulties during early adolescence (10-14…Read More >

Friends of AnDY

At the Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic, we want to ensure that young people and their families are involved in building effective strategies that improve mental…Read More >

Emotional Vulnerability in Adolescents (EVA) Study

Why do we conduct this study? Adolescent depression is a common mental health condition that causes much stress and suffering and can increase an individual’s risk of developing psychological and…Read More >