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Physical Activity theme (Movement)

To help support the wellbeing and resilience of young people transitioning from Year 6 into Year 7, the Resilience Rucksack project identified four areas (or themes) that particularly stood out: Healthy Sleep Practices, Physical Activity, Social Support & Relationships, and Self-Compassion. Here, we will look at Physical Activity (or, Movement).

For this theme, movement means moving your body and being more active in your everyday life. If we introduce more movement into our everyday lives, this can have a positive effect on our wellbeing.

This is because movement can help our mind and
body in the following ways…
• To think more clearly
• To feel better about ourselves and others
• To sleep better at night
• To have more energy during the day
• To connect with others

The Science
Moving your body more can release chemicals in your body, such as endorphins and dopamine.

Endorphins: Make us feel good and less stressed
Dopamine: Helps to motivate us and raise our energy.

Please read our Movement information sheet to find out more about how movement can impact your wellbeing and resilience!

The wellbeing tool for this theme is the Sport in Mind Journal kit.