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Self Compassion theme (Self-Kindness)

To help support the wellbeing and resilience of young people transitioning from school Year 6 into Year 7, the Resilience Rucksack project identified four areas (or themes) that particularly stood out: Healthy Sleep Practices, Physical Activity, Social Support & Relationships, and Self-Compassion. Here, we will look at Here, we will look at Self Compassion:

In our co-production workshops for the ‘Self Compassion’ theme, young people advised us on the best ways to engage children in starting to think about and practising self compassion to help enhance overall wellbeing. Three tools stood out as the best and most engaging ways to start thinking about and practising self compassion: A stress ball that you can carry with you, a journal with guides for supporting your own self compassion, a list of recommended fun fiction books that involve self compassion themes.

What is self-compassion?

Self-compassion is when you direct kindness and understanding towards yourself. This can be helpful when you come across challenges and you feel difficult emotions. Self-compassion could be accepting that these emotions are normal in response to the challenge and then being kind and gentle with yourself. You should care for yourself the way you care for others when they are hurt or upset. 

Why is self-compassion important?

Self-compassion can help you to balance out your negative feelings with kindness and care. This helps you to be more resilient when you face challenges because you know that you can support yourself. This balance happens inside your body, when you activate your Soothe System.  

If you would like to find out more about the Soothe System and the science behind self-compassion please find the self-compassion information sheet here.

There are three wellbeing tools designed for this theme, the stress ball, the self-compassion journal, and the RR book list.

 The Stress Ball wellbeing tool

This is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you in moments where you feel a lot of emotions at once. This can help you to focus your body away from the difficult emotions and into the simple action of squeezing the stress ball. Find out more about the science behind stress balls and how to best use them here.

The Self Compassion Journal wellbeing tool

This is a space for you to express your thoughts and emotions and to help you to explore your day bu writing or drawing things you find peaceful or relaxing; the choice is yours. Find out more about the science behind this wellbeing tool and how to best use it here.

RR Book List wellbeing tool

We have partnered with Edinburgh International Book Festival to bring you the RR Book List, a list of fiction and non-fiction books for teenagers that explore resilience and wellbeing. Find this book list here.