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‘Somni – the R.R Sleep & Daylight song’ 

We are very excited to announce that our song ‘Somni – the R.R Sleep & Daylight Song’, was released on 5th March 2024 on major platforms (Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube).

Supporting the healthy sleep practices theme, Somni is all about the ‘sleep steps‘ we can take in the day to help us sleep at night!

Click here to listen to Somni on Spotify!

Here is Somni on YouTube:

In our co-production workshops with young people for the ‘Healthy Sleep Practices’ theme, we discussed the ‘sleep steps‘ that we can take during the day to get a good sleep at night, and how we can have a better sleep-wake cycle. Young people advised us on the best ways to engage pupils in the ‘sleep steps’ and in thinking about the importance of sleep for our wellbeing. Two tools stood out as the best and most engaging ways: A colourful graphic comic and a professional pop song with animation promo video!



Have you listened to our song SOMNI ?

Hidden in the lyrics are the sleep steps that we can take in the day to help our sleep at night that are supported by science! If you are not sure what the ‘sleep steps’ are, click here for the information sheet on our sleep theme to learn all about the sleep steps!

Now…can you find the ‘sleep steps’ in the song? Try our quiz below…

Question 1:

Can you find the lyrics: “wake up in the morning, get outside, cortisol and daylight, open you eyes“?

Do these lyrics relate to:

a) Looking at as much bright light as possible at bedtime to increase cortisol (the energy hormone) to help us sleep well at night

b) Getting outside in the daylight in the morning to help your cortisol go up which gives you energy for the day and helps you sleep at bedtime

c) Drawing a picture of a peanut butter sandwich in the morning, and showing our friends, to help us sleep well at night

Reveal the answer

Answer (b)

Question 2:

Can you find the lyrics: “The light it wakes us up, dark brings us down…”

What comes next?

(a) We move and jump around throughout the day

(b) I’m blissful counting sheep

(c) So dim the lights before the night-time comes around 

Reveal the answer

Answer (c)

Question 3:

What is the science behind the lyrics you chose in Question 2:

a) bright overhead lights before bedtime can increase our cortisol and wake us up, making it more difficult to get to sleep

b) eating too close to bedtime can interfere with our sleep because we are still digesting which takes a lot of energy

c) Getting outside in the daylight in the morning to help your cortisol go up which gives you energy for the day and helps you sleep at bedtime

Reveal the answer

Answer (a)

Question 4:

Which sleep step can you take to reduce bright lights near bedtime?

a) Don’t eat too late when you’ve had enough

b) Jump around

c) Set the blue light filter on your phone settings.

Reveal the answer

Answer (c)