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The RR Self Compassion Journal

This is a space for young people to express their thoughts and emotions and to help understand themselves better. This journal invites you to explore your day by writing; or drawing things that you find peaceful or relaxing; the choice is yours.  

Young people in our workshops felt that this journal can help you to be kinder towards yourself and think more positively. This can help you to process feelings that you have come across that day. If you use your self-compassion journal often this can have a good effect on your wellbeing and strengthen your wellbeing.

Writing in your journal

Young people in our workshops felt that writing in your journal can help you in two ways;

  1. To build a positive view of your life, which is important for your wellbeing.
  2. To recognise how you overcame challenges and worked towards goals, which helps you to build resilience.

What can I write?

You can write down many things in your journal but here are some ideas to get you started…

  • Write kind words to yourself. It helps to imagine you are saying kind words to a friend, for example, ‘I was brave today because I had to stand on stage in drama and this makes me nervous’. You can write what you are proud of, that you were ‘brave’, and why this was a challenge, ‘standing on stage makes you nervous’. This helps you to see how you have overcome a challenge, building resilience.
  • Write down three good things that went well that day and why these make you feel good. For example, ‘I finished my book today, and this made me feel proud because sometimes I find it hard to finish one book before I start my next book’
  • Write down something that you are grateful for. For example, ‘it was sunny today, which meant I could take my dog for a long walk, and he could swim in the pond.’
  • Write down one emotion that you felt that day and then write down something that happened during the day where you felt this emotion. For example, ‘Joy… when I went round to my friends house’. This can help you to make sense of why you are feeling some emotions. Although sometimes we don’t know why we feel certain emotions, and this is ok, too.


Drawing in your journal

Sometimes it is difficult to express yourself fully through words and so there are blank self-compassion journals for you to draw in. Young people in our workshops felt that drawing in your journal can help you in two ways:

  1. It help you to see negative emotions as separate from you, out of your mind and on paper. This can help you to process these emotions and be kind to yourself.
  2. Drawing can distract attention away from more negative thoughts, relaxing your mind and allowing you to experience a sense of calm.

What can I draw?

You can draw things that make you feel good. These can be pictures of your family and friends, of your favourite food, your favourite fictional characters, or anything else you can think of! You can also draw good things that happened to you that day or emotions that you felt. Sometimes these drawings don’t need to look like anything, you can use colour to express how you are feeling and what is on your mind, or simply doodle and see what happens. This is a free space to use as you wish.

Journal Guide

Inside every Journal you will find a guide on how to use this wellbeing tool. Please find this here.