The book José Miguel de Prada Poole. La arquitectura perecedera de las pompas de jabón (José Miguel de Prada Poole and the Perishable Architecture of Soap Bubbles) (Recolectores Urbanos, 2019) with Dr Izabela Wieczorek’s contribution ‘Dispositivos atmosféricos, tecnologías de la inmersión y acumulaciones de espumas, o las paradojas de la burbuja’ (‘Atmospheric devices, technologies of immersion and foam accumulations, or the bubble paradox’) has been shortlisted for the prestigious FAD Awards in the category Thought and Criticism.

Running since 1958, Premios FAD are one of the oldest and most prestigious architectural awards in Europe, acknowledging excellence of both built and written works in the field.

The book is one of the 7 shortlisted entries regarded by the judging panel as ‘standing out for research and critical knowledge of architecture and its context’

The volume has been conceived as a collection of critical writings accompanying a wide selection of both known and unedited material from the archive of the Spanish architect José Miguel de Prada Poole. The publication accompanied the first retrospective and monographic exhibition of Prada Poole’s work curated by Antonio Cobo and coproduced by the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC) and the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC) under the title ‘José Miguel de Prada Poole and the Perishable Architecture of Soap Bubbles’, referring to Prada Poole’s text published in 1974. Both exhibition and the book reveal the visionary talent and radical thinking of a unique architect, whose interests in collaborative design processes, new urban models, adaptive structures and life of buildings acquire new relevance in the context of contemporary debates about architectural practice and climate change.

Contributors include: José Miguel de Prada Poole, Antonio Cobo, Ferran Ventura Blanch, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Francisco Jarauta, Iñaki Ábalos, Izabela Wieczorek, Carolina Gonzalez Vives.

FAD awards link:

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