The ARUA Centre of Excellence in Climate & Development (ARUA-CD) and the African Centre of Excellence for Inequality Research (ACEIR) are hosting a webinar as part of their joint project on Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action (TSITICA) on 9 December 2020  at 11:30 – 13:00 (SAST)  

Brief Description

Faced with uncertainty about growth, technical change, potential climate impacts, and the difficult task of deciding today which policies we should put in place and which energy equipment we should procure – scenario-based models are a useful set of tools that can help us navigate complexity, and systematically explore the decision and uncertainty space.

Scenario-based models help us ensure that the descriptions of the world in the future are at least internally consistent, the decisions made are rational and the basis transparent. There are two main approaches for tackling the problem: Bottom-up engineering models, with detailed technology representation (but are partial equilibrium and sector specific) and Top-down economic models, with the whole economy represented (but lack strong technical foundations).

In this webinar Bruno Merven from the Energy Systems Research Group, based at the University of Cape Town will be giving an overview of Bottom-Energy Models, describing how they help, what they can and can’t do, and provide a brief overview of the different types of models out there.

If you are interested in attending, please register.