Here’s the draft programme for an exciting colloquium event I am running jointly with English Heritage. Speakers include illustrators, researchers into ancient history and VR, and specialist from English Heritage. Tuesday 16th May, 10-4.30pm, Meadow Suite, Whiteknights Campus, University of ...
At my Etsy shop you can buy a range of colourful posters like this one, showing the ancient city of Rome, and many of its buildings, taken from my digital model of the city. Printed on good quality paper at ...
I am experimenting with embedded Web GL to find a way to bring manipulable 3D models into web pages, social media, and other channels. Here is an attempt at embedding a 3D model I uploaded to qrVR. ...
One of the projects I was able to visit as part of my British Academy funded project on digital visualisation was the Virtual St Paul’s Cross project at North Caroline State University. Their work includes a detailed visual reconstruction of ...
We are hosting a colloquium on digital visualisation in the humanities at the University of Reading, UK on March 31st, funded by the British Academy’s Rising Star Engagement Award scheme. Final programme here. Speakers include: Prof James Packer – creator with Gil ...
Reading recently hosted a digital modelling workshop, run by Matthew Nicholls and funded by the British Academy’s Rising Star Engagement Award (BARSEA) scheme. The aim of the day was to introduce participants to digital modelling in SketchUp, accessible free software ...
Digital modelling workshop for humanities researchers and educators Day workshop on digital modelling for beginners. Monday 14th Dec, University of Reading, 10.00-17.00. The day will introduce humanities researchers and teachers to the basics of 3D modelling in SketchUp, and show ...
I recently upgraded my OS on my desktop and iDevices, largely to enable me to shift from iPhoto to Photos. I have had a distinctly mixed experience. There’s enough about Photos that I really like to make me want to ...
When I give a talk or lecture using my digital model of Rome, I am usually asked about the technicalities of how I made it. Time and differing levels of interest in the audience tend to preclude a really detailed ...
My interest in digital reconstruction started with making models of Roman public libraries to illustrate my DPhil thesis. Since then I have used these models and others like them to illustrate various talks and papers, and some of them have ...
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