On 13 September 2018 part of our team presented the ‘Women in Type’ research project at the annual Atypi conference, which took place this year in Antwerp, Belgium. This was a very popular event, with 450–500 attendees and 120 speakers over 5 days. Our talk opened the main conference on Thursday morning and is now available online:
We were glad to receive enthusiastic feedback from the audience, including the recipient of the Prix Charles Peignot David Jonathan Ross mentioning our research in his acceptance speech as an inspiring example to promote diversity in our field.
Read more about presentations by Reading staff and alumni on the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication’s blog: https://blogs.reading.ac.uk/typography-at-reading/2018/09/17/activity-in-antwerp/
An account of the conference is also available on Alphabettes: http://www.alphabettes.org/views-on-atypi-2018/