Knowledge Base

Install and configure Pulse Secure on Ubuntu (WebVPN)

In order access the University’s internal computing resources remotely, you need to connect to our Virtual Private Network (VPN).

One of the most popular Linux distributions is Ubuntu. Below you can find a quick tutorial on how to install and configure Pulse Secure VPN client on Ubuntu 20.04.

First, download the VPN client package onto your local disk. It can be downloaded from: or Pulse Secure is in .deb package format. The tutorial below uses dpkg (Debian native package management tool) to install the VPN client.

From a console run:
NOTE: The command below is for a 64 bit client

dpkg -i ./pulsesecure_22.2.R1_amd64_vpn_client_only.deb

If for any reason the applet does not start, try to start UI applet from the console (see the example below). The most common error is that the library is missing.

pulsesecure connection

If requested download the Chromium Embedded Browser (CEF)

Download Embedded Browser (CEF)

You may need some other packages installed such as libnss3-tools and net-tools

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