Knowledge Base

met-cluster scratch storage

met-cluster scratch space can be used for processing of temporary data. It is suitable only for data which is a copy of data stored in another, secure location, or which can be easily recreated. Data stored in scratch space can be lost due to hardware failure and it can also be deleted without warning by IT staff.

The storage volume is exported from one of the interactive compute nodes. Is is auto-mounted on all the ‘glusterfs’ compute nodes under /scratch/bdan18_scratch. For applications which require local access to the data, users can open an interactive session on the node where the scratch storage is local with the commands ‘qrsh -l proj,bdan18_scratch -P <your project>’ or ‘qrsh -l lim,bdan18_scratch’.

To use the scratch space you should create a personal directory with the command: ‘mkdir /scratch/bdan18_scratch/$USER’.


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