Knowledge Base

Starting with WordPress

A nice and clear WordPress user guide can be found here:

The above guide will cover most of the common actions, such as creating a page / post, managing the menus, inserting images / videos / documents…

Our WordPress installation at UoR is a standard installation and complies with all the above mentioned methods. However, we do have specific “plugins” which add functionalities as detailed below. We’ll also describe here how to customise the themes (Square theme and Reading-Research).

May 2019: Note that the new “block” editor available since WordPress 5 has been deactivated by default for compatibility reasons. It can be activated on request on a per site basis.

Dashboard / Backoffice

To edit your website, you need to log into the dashboard, or admin interface.

Go to <your website URL>/wp-admin/ and connect with your university credentials. (e.g. )

Read more on:

Useful links

Official WordPress documentation

(Note: the information is a bit developer oriented)
A nice and clear WordPress user guide.