Want to know more? Bibliography

The research of this website has been based on – but not limited – to the following list of publications. Please check it periodically as more papers will be included soon.

Barker, A. (1989-2004) Greek musical writings, vols. 1 and 2, Cambridge.

Binek, N.M. (2017) “The Dipylon Oinochoe Graffito: Text or Decoration?”, Hesperia 86, 423-42.

Ceccarelli, P. (1998) La pirrica nell’ antichità greco romana: Studi sulla danza armata. Pisa-Roma.

Connor, P. and Brijder, H.A.G. (1983) “A Komast Cup”, Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, 1-8.

Delavaud-Roux, M.H. (1991) Recherches sur la danse dans l’antiquité grecque (vii-eive s. av. J.C.). Université d’Aix-Marseille.

Duncan, I. (1928) The art of dance. New York.

Emmanuel, M.  (1896) La danse grecque antique d’aprés les monuments figurés. Paris.

Evans Pritchard, E.E. (1928) “The dance”, Africa 1, 446-462.

Ginner, R. (1933) The Revived Greek Dance. London.

Ginner, R. (1960) Gateway to the Dance. London.

Goldhill, S. (1987) “The Great Dionysia and the Civic Ideology”, JHS 107, 58-76.

Hanna, J. L. (1979) “Movements towards understanding humans through the anthropological study of dance”, Current Anthropology 20, 313-339.

Ieranò, G. (2020) “Dionysus and the Ambiguity of Orgiastic Music”, in Lynch & Rocconi (ed) A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Blackwell.

Kossatz-Deissman, A. (1991) Satyr- und Manadennamen auf Vasenbildern des Getty Museums mit Addenda zu Frankel. In Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum 5, 131-91. Occasional papers on antiquities 7. Malibu.

Kowalzig, B. (2004) “Changing Choral Worlds: Song-Dance and Society in Athens and Beyond”. In Music and the Muses: The culture of “Mousikē” in the Classical Athenian City, P. Murray and P. Wilson (ed)., 39-65. Oxford.

Kurath, G.P.  (1960) “Panorama of dance ethnology”, Current Anthropology 1, 233-254.

Frankel, C. (1912) Satyr- und Bakchennamen auf Vasenbildern. Halle.

Lawler, L. B (1946) “The Geranos Dance – A New Interpretation”, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 77, 112-130.

Lawler, L. B. (1947) “The Dance in Ancient Greece”, The Classical Journal 42, 6, 343-349.

Lynch, T.A.C. and Rocconi, E. (2020) A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Blackwell.

Mandalaki-Spanou, S. (2003) “The dance in Minoan Crete”, in  Orchesis. Texts on Ancient Greek dance,  Dora Stratou Theater.

Meursius, J. (1616) Orchestra, Sive de Saltationibus Veterum, edited by Alkis Raftis, Greek Dances Theatre “Dora Stratou” & IOFA.

Naerebout, F. G. (2003) “Dance in ancient Greece: anything new?”, in Orchesis – Texts on Ancient Greek Dance, 139-162.

Naerebout, F. g. (1995) “Texts and Images as Sources for the Study of Dance in Ancient Greece”, Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 23-40.

Poursat, J.C. (1968) “Les representations de danse armee dans la ceramique attique”, Bulletin de correspondance hellenique 92, 550-615.

Poursat, J.C. (1967) Un base signee du Musee National d’Athenes: pyrrhichistes victorieux, BCH 91, 102-10.

Prudhommeau, G. (1965) La danse grecque Antique. Paris.

Roebuck, M.C. & Roebuck, C.A. (1955) “A prize aryballos”, Hesperia 24, 158-63.

Shear, J. L. (2003) “Atarbos’ Base and the Panathenaia”, JHS 123, 164-180.

Smith, A.C. (2007) “Komos growing up among satyrs and humans”, in Cohen, A. and Rutter, J.B. (eds), Constructions of Childhood in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Princeton, 153–71.

Turner, T. (1995) “The social body and embodied subject: bodiliness, subjectivity and social among the Kayapo”, Cultural Anthropology 10, 143-170.

Weege, F. (1926) Der Tanz in der Antique, Halle.

Weiss, N.A. (2020) “Ancient Greek Choreia“  in Lynch & Rocconi (ed) A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Blackwell.

Wilson, P. (2003) The Athenian Institution of the Khoregia. The Chorus, the City and the Stage. Oxford.