We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest research, which introduces a novel method for more precise measurement of blood flow properties using extruded fluoropolymer microcapillary film. This…Read More >
New paper: Dilution Reduces Sample Matrix Effects for Rapid, Direct, and Miniaturised Phenotypic Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests for Bovine Mastitis
The time-consuming nature of current methods for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) detection increases the need for faster, easy and portable technologies to guide mastitis treatment and surveillance. On-farm rapid testing can…Read More >
New paper: Moving microcapillary antibiotic susceptibility testing (mcAST) towards the clinic: unravelling kinetics of detection of uropathogenic E. coli, mass-manufacturing and usability for detection of urinary tract infections in human urine
Inflammation-based point-of-care (PoC) diagnostic innovations are critical to prevent unnecessary antibiotic use and the development of antimicrobial resistance. Our research team confirmed that miniaturised phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility tests (AST) are…Read More >
New paper: Time- and distance-resolved robotic imaging of fluid flow in vertical microfluidic strips: a new technique for quantitative, multiparameter measurement of global haemostasis
Measuring blood coagulation and haemostasis often requires choosing between low throughput tests at high resolution or simpler tests. This work proposes to offer cost-effective, portable and high-throughput blood tests by…Read More >
New paper: Open Hardware for Microfluidics: Exploiting Raspberry Pi Singleboard Computer and Camera Systems for Customisable Laboratory Instrumentation
Raspberry Pi minicomputers, combined with microfluidic technologies, have revolutionised the development of low-cost and customisable systems in life sciences. These systems enable high-resolution microscopy and automated image capture, allowing mammalian…Read More >
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
For World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, Jessica Hayward, a Research Associate in Pharmaceutics at the University of Reading, explains about her work on a project developing miniaturised rapid antimicrobial testing. Developing…Read More >
AIMID Clinical Microbiology Meeting 2022, Oviedo, Spain
Dr Al Edwards and Dr Sarah Needs are presenting their research at the I Asturias International Meeting on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (AIMID) 2022 in Oviedo, Spain. Oviedo, 21st…Read More >
New article: UTIs are still diagnosed using a 140-year-old method – here’s why
Our article “UTIs are still diagnosed using a 140-year-old method – here’s why” by Alexander Edwards and Sarah Needs has been published on The Conversation. Check out the web link…Read More >
Visiting HUCA, Oviedo
Dr Al Edwards and Dr Sarah Needs visited the Department of the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA) in Oviedo, Spain to work with clinical microbiology labs. Sarah Needs, at…Read More >
New paper: Methods for rapid prototyping novel labware: using CAD and desktop 3D printing in the microbiology laboratory
Using 3D technologies in healthcare is dramatically increasing since its first development. Whilst, there are many advantages, and applications for microbiology, their use in bacterial antibiotic resistance is still rare….Read More >