
The CAF as a wide range of specialist equipment. You can find the different platforms here – a list of instruments are below.

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Asylum Research Cypher S Biological and material applications Operates in air and liquids High resolution topographic imaging Material properties e.g. elasticity, adhesion

FIB-SEM (Focused Ion Beam)

Thermo Helios FIB SEM Room temperature and Cryo FIB-SEM Serial secrioning and imaging TEM sample preparation Elemental mapping (EDX) Array tomography

Perkin-Elmer Spotlight 400 Imaging System

A second Perkin-Elmer 100 FTIR spectrometer is interfaced to a Spotlight 400 Imaging System. This system combines high sensitivity and rapid imaging with ease of use. The ability to image...Read More >

Raman Microscope

LabRAM Soleil™ Raman Microscope • Spatial location of biomolecular markers • Crystallinity, crystallographic orientation and temperature

Scanning EM (SEM)

FEI Quanta 600 FEG Environmental SEM with large chamber size Room temperature and CryoSEM 1000°C heating stage Elemental analysis & spatial imaging (EDX/WDX)

Transmission EM (TEM)

  JEOL 2010 Plus • Room Temperature and CryoTEM • Scanning TEM (STEM) • Electron tomography and electron diffraction


The Waters MRT MALDI TOF uses advanced Multi Reflecting Time-of-Flight (MRT) technology to provide high-resolution and specific identification of analytes in complex samples. It enables precise detection of isotope structures,...Read More >


The Waters MRT MALDI TOF uses advanced Multi Reflecting Time-of-Flight (MRT) technology to provide high-resolution and specific identification of analytes in complex samples. It enables precise detection of isotope structures,...Read More >

ThermoFisher Scientific Orbitrap XL

The Orbitrap mass spectrometer is a hybrid instrument that has two distinct mass analysers. The Orbitrap features a linear ion trap front end (the LTQ) that can effectively be run as...Read More >

ThermoFisher Scientific iCAP Q Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

The iCAP Q mass spectrometer is an instrument routinely used for the qualitative or quantitative measurement of most elements of the periodic table from any number of analytes. The instrument...Read More >

ThermoFisher Scientific Delta V Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer

The ThermoFisher Scientific Delta V Advantage is a stable Isotope Ratio MS. Samples can be introduced to the system via a Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer (TC/EA) with smart EA function...Read More >

Shimadzu LCMS-8050 QqQ

The Shimadzu LC-MS triple quadrupole LC-MS is a versatile instrument for the characterisation, identification and analysis of molecules. It is used for a wide range of different compounds and can...Read More >

Agilent LC-QTOF 6546

The Agilent 6546 high-resolution mass spectrometer enhances lab capabilities in metabolomics, food safety, and environmental screening. It provides excellent sensitivity, a wide dynamic range, and precise mass measurements, ensuring high-quality...Read More >

Agilent LC-QTOF 6545XT

The Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF system is designed for detailed analysis in biopharmaceutical research. It excels at profiling intact proteins, confirming protein sequences through peptide mapping, and understanding post-translational modifications...Read More >

Agilent 5977C GC/MSD

The Agilent 5977C GC/MSD is a reliable instrument for routine analysis in environmental, food, chemical, petrochemical, forensic, and pharmaceutical applications. The updated HydroInert source allows for the use of hydrogen...Read More >

ADVOCATE platform – GCxGC-O-MS

The ADvanced Volatile Organic Chemical Analysis Through Enrichment (ADVOCATE) platform is a versatile two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry system, with automated sample extraction robotics. Samples can be introduced to...Read More >


Bruker Nanobay 400 MHz

The Nano400 is a two-channel NMR instrument running ICON NMR 4.2 under TOPSPIN 2.4. It incorporates a 9.39 T Ultrashield Plus Long Hold Time Magnet and is equipped with a...Read More >

Bruker DPX 400 MHz

The DPX400 is a two-channel NMR instrument running ICON NMR 2.1 under TOPSPIN 1.3. It incorporates a 9.39 T magnet without active shielding and is equipped with a 5mm z-gradient...Read More >

Bruker Avance III 700 MHz

The AV700 is a three-channel NMR instrument running under TOPSPIN 2.4 (ICON NMR 4.2 for automation). It incorporates a 16.44 T Ultrashield Plus Long Hold Time magnet and is equipped...Read More >

Bruker Avance III 500 MHz

The AV500 is a two-channel NMR instrument running ICON NMR 4.2 under TOPSPIN 2.4. It incorporates an 11.74T Ultrashield magnet and is equipped with both a triple axis-gradient and a...Read More >


Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA) is an essential laboratory tool used for material characterization. TGA is used as a technique to characterize materials used in various environmental, food, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical applications....Read More >


This instrument heats from room temperature to high temperatures and is ideal for analysis of inorganic samples. It provides TGA and DSC thermograms simultaneously.

TA-Q2000 DSC

A research grade instrument ideal for analysis of pharmaceuticals and polymeric materials. Fast and easy to use with autosampler. Modulation capability ideal for polymeric samples. Capable of scanning at rates...Read More >


This DSC can be used to investigate dilute biological and polymeric aqueous solutions. It operates in a temperature range of -10 to 130 ºC with scan rates of 0.0001 up...Read More >

Mettler Toledo Hot Stage Microscope

The Mettler-Toledo hot/cold stage enables video and still imaging of thermal events of a variety of samples. With liquid nitrogen cooling it can look at a wide range of temperatures...Read More >

NanoStar Small-Angle X-ray Scattering

The small-angle X-ray scattering instrument is designed to investigate the structure of materials with nanoscale structure, such as polymers, proteins, colloids and ceramics. The state-of-the-art instrument features an Incoatec microfocus...Read More >

Powder X-ray diffraction

The two Bruker D8 powder diffractometers (primary monochromatic CuKα radiation) operate in both reflection (flat plate) and transmission (flat plate or capillary) geometries. Both instruments are equipped with a position-sensitive...Read More >

Single-crystal X-ray diffraction

The EPSRC funded Oxford Diffraction Gemini Ultra diffractometer operates using either CuKα or MoKα radiation allowing crystal structures to be determined for a range of materials including pharmaceutical and small...Read More >

Thermonicolet NXR 9650 FTRaman spectrometer

This high-performance simple-to-use FT-Raman spectrometer is ideal for liquid and powder samples, where easy FT-Raman sampling can be carried out in standard glass vials or NMR tubes. Further accessories include...Read More >

Raman Microscope

LabRAM Soleil™ Raman Microscope • Spatial location of biomolecular markers • Crystallinity, crystallographic orientation and temperature

Perkin-Elmer Spotlight 400 Imaging System

A second Perkin-Elmer 100 FTIR spectrometer is interfaced to a Spotlight 400 Imaging System. This system combines high sensitivity and rapid imaging with ease of use. The ability to image...Read More >

Perkin-Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR spectrometer

This is a simple-to-use, top-of-the range benchtop FTIR. It is normally set up with an ATR attachment allowing rapid recording of FTIR spectra from solids, solutions, creams, pastes tablets etc....Read More >