We are living in a world where anxiety or stress are increasingly common. You might not realise that it can lead to blurred or double vision, but this is also really common. The symptoms are real, often very worrying, and sometimes eye care professionals find them difficult to treat.
In our lab we are often asked to see such people to prove that there is nothing seriously wrong with their focusing mechanisms.
This experience has led us to work with the Anxiety & Depression in Young People (AnDY) Research Clinic here at the University of Reading to develop an information sheet that you might find helpful. It explains how these problems can happen, and suggests some simple strategies and resources that might help and reassure you. Information about anxiety-related eye problems
You do need to make sure you have also had a good eye check to rule out any genuine eye diseases. If you have any mental health issues that you feel might need professional support, please be sure to contact your GP