We are working with the British Science Association (BSA) to pilot a new approach to community-led research in Reading and Slough funded by UKRI. The project aims to put communities at the heart of research, exploring the issues that matter to them.
Participatory Action Research: A Toolkit
This toolkit is for community researchers, community organisations, students and academics who want to reflect on and better understand the principles and everyday practices of Participatory Action Research (PAR), how to build community research teams and how to use PAR to understand local issues.
Cost of living crisis: community researchers investigate impact in South East England
Over thirty community researchers, from organisations in the South East of England, are investigating the impact of the cost of living crisis on local people. The project, which is funded by NHS England and delivered by the University of Reading and the Scottish Community Development Centre, aims to inform local health and care services.
Young Researchers’ photography project
Entitled ‘The Place Where I Live,’ the Young Researchers used their cameras to capture the people, places, and events that represented their lives and community.
Excellence in End-of-Life Care: Making Better Memories?
This project investigates with participatory action research how a hospital trust can provide a consistently high standard of end-of-life-care to patients, their families and carers.
Tackling health inequalities in Reading
A report offers a series of recommendations for tackling health inequalities in Reading, including improving translation and interpretation services and engaging local community groups as partners in culturally-sensitive service design and delivery.
Uncovering hidden stories from Oxford Road
Reading researchers are working with local communities and artists to reveal and celebrate the heritage of one of the town’s most diverse and multicultural streets.
Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing
Using Participatory Action Research to investigate the relationships between care, inequalities and wellbeing among different generations of transnational families in the UK, Spain, France and Sweden.
Hear me: young people’s experiences of exclusion from school
The Whitley Researchers and the University of Reading explored experiences of school exclusion from the perspectives of young people.
Tackling loneliness and social isolation in Reading
This research project explored the closely linked relationship between isolation and loneliness, and how these are connected to health and wellbeing.