
You can find details of Anna’s publications on her Orchid page and links to select papers below.

Anna’s recent work has explored drone sensing, has sought to complicate existing understandings of volume by bringing the analytic and sensibility of gentleness to bear, and has brought into dialogue feminist geopolitics and drone scholarship to develop the idea of ‘everyday droning‘ as a honing and homing of military technology and drone capitalism.’ Elsewhere, Anna has reflected on the ways in which both small military drones are normalised and naturalised at the tradeshow, and the (potential) implications of the advent of commercial drones on urban skylines and lives. More widely, Anna is interested in feminist understandings of territory and the methodological challenges raised by the ‘volumetric’ turn in and beyond human geography.

Alongside building her academic publication profile, Anna has written practitioner and policy-focused outputs – information here.

Select publications:

  • Jackman A, Squire R (2023) Swirling, splashing, slowing: Towards gentle volumes. Political Geography, 106, 102964 (Link to paper)
  • Squire R, Jackman A (2024) Political Geography: Approaches, concepts, futures. Sage (Link to textbook)
  • Jackman A (2023) Drone sensing volumes. The Geographical Journal, 189, 501-513 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A, Richardson M, Veber M (2024) Where are the pandemic drones? On the failure of automated aerial solutionism. New Media & Society 26 (3), 1183-1203 (Link to paper)
  • Ayris K, Jackman A, Mauchline A, Rose DC (2024) Exploring inclusion in UK agricultural robotics development: who, how, and why? Agriculture and human values (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2023) ‘Manning’ the ‘unmanned’: Reapproaching the military drone through learning the/to drone. Political Geography, 104, 102894 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A, Millner N, Cunliffe AM, Laumonier Y, Lunstrum E, Paneque-Gálvez J, Wich SA (2023) Protecting people and wildlife from the potential harms of drone use in biodiversity conservation: interdisciplinary dialogues. Global Social Challenges Journal (Link to paper)
  • Millner N, Cunliffe A, Jackman A, Laumonier Y, Lunstrum E, Mulero-Pazmany M, Paneque-Gálvez J, Sandbrook C, Wich S (2023) Responsible drone use in biodiversity conservation: Guidelines for environmental and conservation organisations who use drones. CIFOR: Center for International Forestry Research (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2022) Domestic drone futures. Political Geography, 97 (102653), 1-12 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A, Brickell K (2022) ‘Everyday droning’: Towards a feminist geopolitics of the drone home. Progress in Human Geography, 46 (1), 156-178 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2022) Drone disruptions: Exploring the social and political implications of growing drone noise in UK skies. Quiet Drones: Second International e-Symposium on UAV/UAS Noise 27th to 30th June 2022 (link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2022) Book review: Unmanning: How Humans, Machines and Media Perform Drone Warfare. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 18 (1), 265-268 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A, Squire R (2021) Forging volumetric methods. Area, 53 (3), 492-500 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2021) Visualizations of the small military drone: normalization through ‘naturalization’. Critical Military Studies, DOI: 10.1080/23337486.2020.1846955 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A, Squire R, Bruun J, Thorton P (2020) Unearthing feminist territories and terrains. Political Geography, 80 (102180), 1-12 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2019) Consumer drone evolutions: trends, spaces, temporalities, threats. Defense & Security Analysis, 35 (4), 362-383 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2019) Book review: Alternatively narrating the aerial gaze: capture, concept, consequence. Postcolonial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13688790.2019.1567248 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2017) Sensing. Speaking volumes. Society for Cultural Anthropology (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2016) Rhetorics of possibility and inevitability in commercial drone tradescapes. Geographica Helvetica, 71, 1-6 (Link to paper)
  • Jackman A (2016) Book review: Predator Empire: Drone Warfare and Full Spectrum Dominance. Antipode (Link to paper)