Pleasure to present at the ‘European Governance of Emerging Technologies: Concepts, Challenges and Practices’ symposium, hosted by the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole militaire (IRSEM) in Paris (programme here). My presentation argued that when we consider how drones are and may be reshaping our airspace and their social, political and regulatory implications, we need to consider diverse understandings and expectations of drones, as well as different experiences of drone disruptions.

The symposium blurb was:  “The rise of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), drones, Big Data and 5G, and even the acceleration of their development in several sectors, fascinates as much as it worries. They offer a wide range of applications, but have technical and legal limitations, and raise many concerns about malicious acts (cyber threats and terrorism). This situation has led European and international bodies to take a close interest in their development, and to adapt their policies and practices to contribute to, and above all benefit from, their growth. Faced with a highly competitive and constantly changing context, coordinated action with public and private partners is essential, particularly in terms of investment, expertise, and cutting-edge research and development. At the time of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) and the midterm mandate of the European Commission, this symposium aims to take stock and discuss issues related to ambitious European initiatives: the European drone policy, the European Defence Fund and the Action Plan on synergies between the civil, space and defence industries.”

The trip included some very nice views too!