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Sophia Kazinnik, Federal Reserve Richmond (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"Let's Face It: Quantifying the Impact of Nonverbal Communication in FOMC Press Conferences"
Youjin Hahn, Yonsei University (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"Can New Learning Opportunities Reshape Gender Attitudes for Girls?: Field Evidence from Tanzania" (with So Yoon Ahn and Semee Yoon)
Hubert Kempf, Universite Paris-Saclay (External Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsLiving with Covid: Optimal Pandemic-Related Lockdown Policy
Michael Haylock, University of Tubingen (External Seminars)
"Helping and Antisocial Behaviour at the Workplace"
Salvatore Lattanzio, University of Cambridge and Bank of England (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"The Peer Effects on Future Wages in the Workplace"
Eliane El Badaoui, Université Paris Nanterre (External Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC
Marcella Veronesi, Technical University of Denmark (External Seminars)
Microsoft Teams"Consumer Demand for Fair Trade Products: Lack of Efficiency, Salience & Attention, Knowledge or Trust?"
Eleonora Guarnieri, University of Exeter (External Seminar)
Edith Morley 406 or MS Teams (hybrid)TBC
Fabio Galeotti, GATE (External Seminars)
Microsoft TeamsTBC