As an applied economics division, the impact of our research is a high priority.
- Professor Geoff Meen has been appointed as Specialist Advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs for its investigation into UK housing.
- Associate Professor Marina Della Giusta is developing innovative methods for the analysis of student wellbeing. Her research has been covered by the Times Higher Education and the BBC. This research has attracted funding from HEFCE as part of the Learning Gain Project.
- High-profile research led by Associate Professor Andi Nygaard is examining the effects of migrant communities on social cohesion, particularly concentrating on Slough, UK. In addition, his research analyses and describes the impact of international migration on labour markets and skills availability in South East England.
- Professor Giovanni Razzu has been advising the European Institute for Gender Equality and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), and has been a member of the HM Treasury/EHRC Expert Advisory Group on Fair Financial Decisions.