
EINSTEIN’s overarching goal is to increase the demonstrable capabilities and performance of border and police identity checks and document security and fraud detection across a wide range of operational environments by developing, deploying and validating a set of ground-breaking applications.

EINSTEIN’s main objectives are:

  • To create a novel applications suite for border and police authorities to enhance phygital (physical and digital) identity checks across the whole identity lifecycle

EINSTEIN will increase identification and fraud detection capability through development of a set of innovative interoperable applications addressing phygital dentity checks across the whole identity lifecycle from breeder document authentication to identity management to identity verification on-the-fly.

  • Improve core technbologies in phygital identity credentials’ enrolment, management and checks

Technologies span from biometric robustness against vulnerabilitirs, including Morphing Attack Detection (MAD) and Presentation Attack Detection (PAD), biometric identification, document authentication and fraud detection to digital travel credentials and privacy

  • Integrate known and new end-user needs into applications’ design/development for addressing use cases in a wide range of environments

EINSTEIN will ensure that the solutions comply with genuine and up-to-date needs of the end-users in demanding operational environments.

  • Evaluate applications’ performance and ensure acceptability by all stakeholders

Performance and acceptability assessment of developed innovations will be established through application deployments in real operational environments by border authorities and law enforcement for a wide range of use cases. The ethical, legal and societal propriety of EINSTEIN’s solutions will be established supporting future deployment.

  • Implement measures toward rapid take up of the EINSTEIN outcomes at the end of the project.

EINSTEIN will implement a range of measures including working with stakeholders to realize EINSTEIN’s innovations in the field.

For further details of EINSTEIN’s research and applications click on further tabs under ‘About EINSTEIN’.