We are delighted to announce our Global Development Research Division event “Building a research network” which will take place on the 8th of December at 13:00 GMT.

We will be hearing from five Division members about their experiences to date of building a research network – what their network looks like, what has worked well (and perhaps not so well), what their network has enabled them to do, and what they hoping for in the future.

As you will no doubt be aware, research networks are crucial for many of us in carrying out scholarship, winning funding, and just generally ‘getting ahead’. And yet we rarely share with each other our experiences of developing and working with them. Hopefully then this event will help to shed some light onto the process and lead to some good discussion.

Our speakers, who will have up to ten minutes each, are Sarah Cardey, Sophie Clot, Mike Goodman, Sally Lloyd-Evans and Stefania Lovo.

For more information and the Microsoft Teams link please contact Dr. Alex Arnall (a.h.arnall@reading.ac.uk)