
Main Findings

We have created a dedicated video for this which provides an overview of our research and main findings:

In a nutshell, our investigation of the parents’ and practitioners’ views on partnership has provided us with insights on how to further support these key agents in working effectively together with the children’s’ best interests in mind.

The results demonstrate the multidimensional character of practitioner-parent partnership, as the evidence gathered indicate that many complex yet dynamic contextual factors shape and determine practitioner-parent partnerships.

It has become evident that practitioner-parent partnership is a continuous and dynamic process which is subject to a wide range of contextual factors, such as spaces to get together, barriers to collaboration, and time management to name a few.

In this process, mutual contributions from both sides, practitioners and parents, are essential, so as to develop a meaningful partnership, which could be facilitated by both parties being more proactive in exploring effective ways of communication, rather than waiting for the other one to take the initiatives.

We are disseminating information from our research project in conferences, seminars, and papers in academic and practitioner journals.

Here are the project’s reports:

The project led to the development of the CAFE model which aims to support the development of parent-practitioner partnerships by highlighting the key characteristics of an effective partnership model.

Here is our project’s publications so far: